
Agile Workspace

The space programme for the human-machine interface platform developer incari is designed as a „post-corona“ office, where the office is a flexible meeting and collabaration point where never all employees are present at the same time. Accordingly, the design focus was on the entrance and common areas. While representation and locker areas were in the foreground in the entrance area, communal areas should be flexible enough to be used for meetings, workshops, meals and gaming.

For these Agile-Working areas, box designed puzzle tables with echoes of the formal language of computer flow charts, which can be puzzled together by the employees as needed.

Auftraggeber: Incari GmbH
Projekttyp: Workplace Desig
Jahr: 2022
Fläche: 1.000 sqm m²
Ort: Berlin
Leistungen: LP 2-8
Fotos: Thorsten Klapsch

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